Life in Covid -19 times

So the world has been hit by a pandemic called Covid-19.

The world Health Organisation (WHO) directed all to observe social distancing by staying home and avoiding unnecessary movements. Wearing a face mask and hand sanitizing is mandatory. A typical day involves frequent hand washing and sanitizing. Work hours are now flexible but there is still little that you can do that involves going out and interacting with people.

Then there is the Monjeza household! The day ends with stern warnings about the risks for certain age groups when they catch the virus. Unlike the Spanish flu that did spring cleaning on the young population, Corona or the rona is not kind to the over 50s.

I guess you are now seeing whom the stern warnings are aimed at. Yes, it’s the parents, mom in particular. The woman will come up with all sorts of reasons for going out. As of today, I can’t wait to tell her a story of what happens to people as they are picked up to be taken to the quarantine facility. I intend to embellish the story for added effect and potency to last for at least two weeks. Enough time to stay worry free and plot for the next scheme to keep them home. Parenting a parent involves using the techniques that were used on us when we were young. Only difference in this case is that its bedazzled truth πŸ˜‰. They told us lies with a straight face 😐

While we are not locked down as other places, we still have a lot of time on our hands. Others are using the time to get in shape. Funny story about joggers. The picture will speak for itself. Mind you, WHO said social distancing. MOH said “Zisungeni ndi meter”. The translation for Zisungeni ndi meter is most likely, stay a meter apart. The komboni kid in me refuses to say it. It is not right on so many levels 🀐

This was at the new fly over bridge on Kafue road. Ehem! You have to keep busy right?

One expects that having so much time off of regular stuff such as work, school and social gatherings would make someone to pounce on activities that have been pushed to the bottom of the to do list. Boy were we wrong.

What we did instead was sleep, eat, scroll on devices and repeat the following day. We tried new recipes, ate everything we got our hands on, slept the following day and woke up at noon. As for me, I had assignments to do. A research paper to finish but did I get to it? No! I slept and ate like everyone else πŸ˜‰

Now that people are finding ways to get life back to a certain level of normalcy, the backlog is not going easy on me. Deadlines are fast approaching and flying by. Have I learned anything about being organized? Absolutely not! I will try try tomorrow πŸ€”

But really, I do need to do better. TomorrowπŸ˜